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Editing a Strategy

Find out how and when can you edit a strategy

Josh avatar
Written by Josh
Updated over a year ago

Once you start a strategy, you may find you want to make some changes. The Edit feature was made just for this purpose!

Editing a strategy can be done by clicking the Strategy Menu and selecting the Edit option:

Your Strategy will auto-populate in Edit Mode.  On Edit Mode, the indicator above the Strategy shows you are Editing Strategy and listing the name of the strategy.

Continue through the strategy entry and exit as normal, making any* changes you want.

*Note: the only edit that cannot be made is changing whether or not you want an Exit Strategy.  For example: if you chose the Skip The Exit Strategy when you originally created the Strategy you will not be able to add an Exit while using the Edit feature. Additionally, if you had an Exit Strategy in the original Strategy but want to remove it you will not be able to do so.  In this scenario, the checkbox to Skip The Exit Strategy will be listed but you will not be able to select it.    

When you are done click the Save Changes button on the Confirmation page:

Once you have saved your changes you will be brought back to the Strategy page and will see the edit history on the right-hand side of the page:

When would the edit take effect?

If you have edited the strategy before the entry took place, the edit will take effect immediately.

However, if the entry already occurred, and the edits made are not compatible with the existing entry strategy, the strategy will continue to look for the original exit conditions and then use the edited strategy in the following Hit.

The edit taking effect will be visible on the strategy page:

  1. The notice in the edit history on the right-hand side of the Strategy page will indicate that the changes will take effect after the hit is complete.

  2. The Working on Exit indicator at the top of the page will have a pencil icon.  If you hover over the icon it will let you know the exit has been edited and the change will go into effect at the beginning of the next hit.  

**Please note, all screenshots and examples are shown for the purpose of a technical demonstration only and should not in any way be construed as recommending any type of trading strategy and they do not constitute any form of advice. Please click here for further explanation.

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